fred turner

fred turner

Los Angeles is expected to roll out COVID-19 test kiosks later this month. A similar program in Berkeley may offer a hint of what it will look like.

Curative Inc. the company that administers COVID-19 tests, started a kiosk pilot program in Berkeley that opened last month.

Located in a park in Berkeley, the self-administered testing sites allow individuals to swab their own mouths and place samples in a supervised receptacle. The purple booth with the company's emblem reads "Welcome to your test spot." and "We're glad you are here."

Fred Turner, co-founder of Curative, tweeted out the photos of those kiosk less than a week before Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a similar program on Wednesday.

The kiosks in Los Angeles will process about 500 tests a day and are an alternative to the city's drive-thrus, which can be difficult for residents without cars to get to, Garcetti said.

"We think this will be a great way of getting tests to people that can't necessarily use one of the drive thrus and making testing more of a part of our daily lives as we continue to fight this pandemic," Turner said during a press conference with L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti.

The company is also rolling out a mobile unit that's being deployed to hot spots around Los Angeles. Garcetti said the city wants to be able to bring these to people in need.

"We are just getting to the point where it's getting a lot easier to get tested, but it's going to continue to be a pressing need to offer tests and for anybody who wants a test to be able to get tested," Turner said.

Curative has administered 1 million tests in Los Angeles and is averaging about 18,000 a day with an eye toward growing its capacity further.

Watch the full press announcement below:

COVID-19 Response Update from Mayor Garcetti, August 5, 2020

Join me live at a COVID-19 testing site for the latest on testing and more updates on our work to slow the spread of the virus.

Ringo Chiu/ Shutterstock

COVID-19 testing kiosks could soon be rolling out as the creator of Los Angeles' coronavirus tests looks for ways to get more residents checked for the deadly virus. The founder of Curative Inc, Fred Turner, wants everyone to have access to a test. The company behind Los Angeles' drive-thru coronavirus tests has the capacity to expand testing but said Los Angeles officials have been stymied by lack of access to state and federal funds. Turner, whose tests have a 10% false negative rate, says the reason testing has become difficult have to do with getting them to the populations most at risk, and getting funding to where it's most needed.

Turner talked to dot.LA about the challenges locally and across the country.

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Fred Turner, the 25-year-old founder of Curative Inc., is the man behind L.A.'s push to bring universal testing to the region. But, he has bigger plans.

Turner, an Oxford dropout, just landed a deal with the Air Force to test military worldwide and he's now eyeing national expansion for his startup. By the end of this month, the company he started months ago is expected to pump out more than a million test kits a week.

"We are a strange company because our goal is to essentially put ourselves out of business," Turner said.

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