Laurel Moglen

Before CEO and founder Steven Eidelman launched Modern Animal in 2018, his most concerning question was, are people going to be comfortable relying on a mobile app to provide pet care?

The answer appears to be a resounding "yes," and the pandemic has helped prove the point, he said Tuesday at a dotLA Summit panel.

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Stripped of their outdoor gear before their move to Los Angeles, Rachelle Snyder and her husband arrived in the city surrounded by tantalizing outdoor adventure, but with no equipment to enjoy it — and nowhere to affordably get it.

That problem led them to co-found Arrive Outdoors, an outdoor travel company that rents hiking, backpacking, camping, skiing and snowshoe gear and attire.

On Thursday, Santa Monica-based Arrive Outdoors announced they raised a $4.75 million seed round, led by Freestyle Capital.

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