CNN’s Van Jones: Genius is Everywhere

Spencer Rascoff

Spencer Rascoff serves as executive chairman of dot.LA. He is an entrepreneur and company leader who co-founded Zillow, Hotwire, dot.LA, Pacaso and Supernova, and who served as Zillow's CEO for a decade. During Spencer's time as CEO, Zillow won dozens of "best places to work" awards as it grew to over 4,500 employees, $3 billion in revenue, and $10 billion in market capitalization. Prior to Zillow, Spencer co-founded and was VP Corporate Development of Hotwire, which was sold to Expedia for $685 million in 2003. Through his startup studio and venture capital firm, 75 & Sunny, Spencer is an active angel investor in over 100 companies and is incubating several more.

CNN’s Van Jones: Genius is Everywhere

Van Jones hosts his own show on CNN, and he's the founder of The Dream Corps, an accelerator that supports economic and environmental innovation. Its #YesWeCode initiative aims to help 100,000 young people from underrepresented backgrounds find success in the tech sector. Van is an important voice on social justice and STEM education, and Time Magazine named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in the world. In this episode, Van joins Spencer at Zillow Group's New York office for a live recording in front of employees. The two discuss Van's impressive background working in communities and promoting green jobs, how to increase diversity in tech and why young people have the power to change the world.

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Spencer Rascoff:Thanks, everybody. We're here in the New York office of Zillow Group. I'm here with our guest, Jones. Please, everyone, give Van a welcome.

Van, thanks for coming on Office Hours. I wanna start by having you walk us through your career. We know you as a public media personality on CNN, but there's a whole career that preceded that. So, tell us how you got there, and walk us through your career.

Van Jones:I think probably the best way to start is just to talk about where I was born and raised, and then just go from there. But I was born in Jackson, Tennessee. I was talking to a friend from Kentucky. I was born in Jackson, Tennessee. My dad had been born in segregation and poverty in Memphis in 1944. So, he grew up basically in a shotgun shack, joining the military to get out of poverty.

Everybody else was running out of the military. My dad ran into the military to get out. When he got out, he put himself through college. He married the college president's daughter, who was my mother, 'cause Willy Jones was bad. My dad was bad.

And then, he put his brother through college. He put his cousin through college. And then worked with my mom, put me and my sister through college. And I'll always point out, when my father died, the picture that we put of him on the funeral program was him standing in front of Yale Law School the day I graduated with his hands in the air —

Rascoff:Proud moment.

Jones:Yeah, proud moment for him, given where he started from. So, but my dad was such an “up and out of poverty guy. He got himself out of poverty, then he was a cop in the military, then he was an educator. And I just felt like my dad helped so many people, including my whole family, get out of poverty really with nothing.

How could I have a Yale law degree and not try to at least beat him, if not best him? So, I became a — 24 years old, graduated from Yale Law School, moved to the Bay Area and started working on criminal justice, police reform. I was woke before y'all had alarm clocks.

Rascoff:I'm guessing most of your Yale classmates pursued a different path?

Jones:You know what's so funny? Everybody I went to Yale with, they wanted to be in politics, and they wouldn't take on any controversial issues. They were worried about their Supreme Court testimony. And when I was just on the left side of Pluto. I was on every issue, every protest, every demonstration.

And I wound up working in the White House, and they didn't. Just saying. Follow your heart, follow your dreams. I started an organization called the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, and we worked to try to fix the juvenile justice system. We wound up closing five abusive youth prisons in California, and we cut California's youth prison population by 80 percent with no increase in youth violence or youth crime. A big cost savings. Stopped them from building a super jail for kids in Oakland. Reformed the San Francisco Police Department. This is all in the 1990s, early 2000s.

Rascoff:All your early to mid-20s?

Jones:Twenties to early 30s, and I just burned out. It was too hard. A lot of funerals. You work with urban youth. You wind up going to a lot of funerals. You got young people in the caskets, and then old people with white hair sitting up in the pews, which is the reverse of what you expect. And there were so many — I've still gone to more funerals in Oakland than graduations.

And you're in a situation when you have that much bad stuff happening — even little things that you don't think about. Like, there's so many sidewalk memorials that when little, bitty kids see balloons, they sometimes start crying 'cause they think that the balloon is — they associate that with memorials of kids who have gotten killed.

So, just — that kind of stuff, that's just too hard for me. So, I wound up deciding to do something very different, just trying to get jobs for kids coming home from jail. And we had a big solar boom happening in California at that time — now you're about 2005, 2006.

And people were ordering the solar panels for their houses, which you can find on Zillow —

Rascoff:Thank you. Well done. [Laughter]

Jones:But they were ordering solar panels for their houses, but it would take them three months, six months, nine months to get the solar panels up 'cause they didn't have enough well-trained people to do the work. And so, I saw a big opportunity to try to get young folks from the community trained to put up solar panels.

And that became a huge breakthrough because we got money to train youth to put up solar panels, and a woman named Nancy Pelosi, who had just become Speaker of the House, came and saw what we were doing. And she went nuts. She says, “You're fighting pollution and poverty at the same time by getting these young people jobs, cleaning up the environment, bringing in the clean energy revolution."

So, she took me to Washington, D.C. She had me testify in front of almost every one of her committees, and we got a guy named George W. Bush to sign a bill called the Green Jobs Act of 2007 to spread my program across the country. That was a huge victory. And then I wrote a book about it in 2008 — “The Green Collar Economy," available on Amazon. [Laughter]

And that book became a bestseller. A guy named Barack Obama read the book, and so, suddenly —

Rascoff: Did that happen organically? He was a community organizer in Chicago at the time. How did you get on his radar screen?

Jones:He was running for Senate — I mean, he was in the U.S. Senate, and he was getting ready to run for president. And Al Gore at that time was making a huge noise about the climate crisis and depressing everyone because it's just such a big problem, and I was seen as somebody who had a solution.

So, then he brought me to Washington, D.C., to help him, and wound up moving about $80 billion with a B from the federal government into clean and green solutions, $5 billion for solar — $5 billion during the so-called stimulus package. So, it was my job to coordinate that spend out for the president.

After that, I went to Princeton, taught there for a while. Then I wound up on CNN with my second book, and that's where I am. But my TV career is the shortest part of my career. I spent literally 25 years working in communities, doing tough stuff, trying to help people, and I'm mainly known for talking about tweets on CNN.

Rascoff:It's funny how life happens. What are advice to young people and common threads from that career path? What do you pull out as some things that you'd want to make sure a 25-year-old self or 20-year-old self would hear?

Jones:You have a lot more power than you think, that's the main thing I would say. Especially when you're young and you're new. You see a lot of stuff that could be improved. You see a lot of gaps. And often you're almost scared to say anything 'cause you don't want to get in trouble, you don't want to seem like you're a troublemaker.

But my experience has been if your heart's right about it, if you really are trying to, say for instance, make Zillow be the best possible thing or whatever it is, you can actually make a tremendous difference, wherever you are. You don't have to have the big title. You don't have to be the head of stuff. You can actually make a tremendous difference.

I think, number one: Don't underestimate your power and your influence. People said we'd never close a prison in California. They just built 20 of them. They said, “You're never gonna close any prisons." We were just too young and dumb to know any better and wound up closing five and making things better.

Another thing I would say is that I think most people have some calling inside themselves. Almost like secret hope about your life that you might be able to make a difference, help people. You're almost embarrassed to share with people — something you want to write, something you'd love to see happen.

It's almost embarrassing, but it keeps coming back, and it keeps coming back. That's why you were born. That thing. It's why you're here. Now, you're getting skills and experiences and meeting people, doing a lot of other stuff, but that's the thing. And if you can, without getting yourself fired or evicted — which, having had both happen to me, I don't recommend — if you can find a way to just continue to move in the direction of that dream, it's amazing what happens in your life.

All the stuff that makes no sense in your life — the crazy people you've met, the bad things that have happened to you, your nutty family — all that stuff winds up being fertilizer to help you do something really beautiful and really amazing. And I think, more than ever, it's gonna be unlikely people that do awesome stuff.

I think the people I see at the top of the game in Washington, D.C., right now — they're stuck, and they're fighting. I see people in D.C., I see people in Wall Street, I see people in Silicon Valley, Hollywood. The people at the top, they're having a hard time adjusting to all these changes in technology, in society and everything else.

They're really, really struggling, whereas the newer people, they seem to actually have a little bit of an inside track on what's next. If you can combine that generational perspective with a deeper purpose and a deeper calling, I think you can do a lot more than most people would assume.

Rascoff:I wasn't alive in the '60s, but obviously there seemed then to have been this sense of upheaval and of empowerment, and youth were able to make an impact. It does seem like we have a lot of that today, and some of that is because of the democratization of media and social media. Some of it is because of millennials and just young people feel they want to be part of something bigger, connected to some sort of a mission, whether it's at a company or in politics or in society.

It does feel different than it did 10 or 15 years ago.

Jones:Even five years ago.

Rascoff:I'm trying to adapt to that as a CEO of what's it like to run a company in that environment. I think the media's trying to adapt to what's it like to inform people about what's happening in the world around them in that sort of environment.

Jones:I think people have a sense, and they're not wrong, that maybe help is not on the way. And in that situation, you want to do something. And I think, frankly, people who are not in government and who are not in politics are gonna have to do more. It used to be that the future was written in law in Washington, D.C. It was written in law by senators, by congress people, by Supreme Court folks, people who have been democratically selected to figure out the future for America and write the future in law.

Now, frankly, the future is being written in code — computer code — in Silicon Valley and places like this. They're updating your phones right now. You didn't ask them to, they're just busy doing it. If you think about that, what that means is that the private sector — whether it's finance or technology or media — the momentum is there, the power is there, the money is there.

But the people who are sitting in those chairs, in your chairs, nobody's coming to you and said, “You're supposed to save the world." They say, “You're supposed to get your project done. You're supposed to meet these earnings reports." But increasingly, you're gonna feel an urgency about the world. And you don't think you can wait four years to vote on it and hope it works out okay.

And so, this is a new reality, I think, for the private sector — that you actually have the ability to make a change. You have a whole generation that wants to make a change, and there's a big failure at the government level. And not just United States — throughout the West.

That's gonna be something that's important to take seriously 'cause I think to keep your best folks and to get your best work out of your best folks, that social purpose has to get elevated a little bit.

Rascoff:Companies like ours have been pulled into this by their employees really saying, “We want you to be more engaged civically. We want you to either be more philanthropic or more outspoken on political issues or both." And it's complicated managing a company in that type of environment, especially such a polarized, politicized situation.

I know there are things that our employees want me to speak out on, topics that I have chosen not to engage on, where other CEOs have. The litmus test that I've made for myself is does it directly affect our employees or our company?

What have you seen, either guests on your shows or others that you're interacting with in media and business landscape — how are they navigating that?

Jones:The reason I like what you're doing is because it's authentic to you. I think the most important thing is that you do you.

But I think trying to figure out how to let that authenticity bubble up through the rest of the company — that's a more difficult management challenge. I'm looking around at CNN, and I'm new to CNN, but I'm not young. So, I was born in '68, so I'll be 50 years old this year.

I'm new to CNN, but I'm not young. Because I'm new, I have more in common with the younger people, though. And I'm watching all these younger people — they have just brilliant ideas. Just unbelievably brilliant ideas. What they think is newsworthy is not what we are putting on the news.

I think we're leaving a ton of value on the table, just because the thing is just not set up to listen to the 24-year-old who's been there for 18 months. And so, that I think for companies of this size, figuring out some way — you should be authentic to yourself, but keeping your ear big for the authentic voices in your building, which will actually change what you're authentic about, I think that's the big challenge.

Rascoff:The nice thing about young people is — you once were in your mid-20s, started to take on the criminal justice system — is they don't know any better. So, they're hopelessly optimistic and naive.

In my world, in the startup world, that enables them and encourages them to start companies, 'cause they don't know any better.

You focused on criminal justice, then the environment, and then, more recently, STEM and underserved populations or underrepresented populations in technology. So, tell us about #YesWeCode and what you're up to more recently.

Rascoff:Part of the tragedy of what I see happening on is just what I call wasted genius. I spent a lot of time in tough schools visiting prisons, juvenile detention centers. Geniuses, just super ridiculously smart people. Genius is actually pretty uniformly spread out, but opportunity is not.

And so, when I was at Yale, I saw kids doing all kind of drugs and terrible stuff. The cops never got called, nobody went to prison. At worst, they went to rehab. Maybe they had to take a semester off, and that was it. And then, those people went on to become doctors, and lawyers. George W. Bush, president of the United States, that — you could have a bad couple years if you're at a certain income level and a certain zip code.

But a few blocks away, kids doing fewer drugs got seven years, 13 years, 22 years in prison. And so, we're just wasting a ton of genius, some of those young people who are behind bars right now could be the Mark Zuckerbergs, or they could start the Zillows or whatever, but they just won't have that shot.

And so, we started #YesWeCode as really an opportunity to try to connect some of the brilliant urban youth that we know in the Oakland part of the Bay Area with Silicon Valley. And Prince, the late rock star, was a person who really wanted us to do that. And so, Prince and I were the co-founders on #YesWeCode.

And it's been a really powerful experience because, just from a physical point of view, Oakland is only about 37 minutes from the Google campus, and I think 41 minutes from the Facebook campus. It's very, very close. But it may as well be on the other side of the moon in terms of somebody who's going to — what used to be Castle Von High School and their thought about the fact that they could ever work at Facebook; it's just completely on the different side of the moon.

Rascoff:What can companies do to improve underrepresented minorities in technology?

Jones:I think a couple things. First, how many people here ever had an internship any place? So, just that. Just doing internships and apprenticeship programs is so important. Because the thing about it is when you try to hire somebody for a job, there's only one of two outcomes. They're either gonna make it, or they're gonna get fired.

And that can be scary for everybody. It's like, “We hired somebody." The thing about an internship: You win if you just complete it. I had an internship — nobody's expected to ace the internship. They just had it, and they did a good job, they made some friends, they learned some stuff, they got some mentorship, their sights got raised.

That is not happening for huge sections of our country. Just literally people can't even get their foot in the door. I think internship programs are important, and then apprenticeship programs, where somebody's paid to work for three months or six months, and they complete the apprenticeship.

Maybe they're great, and they're awesome, and you hire them, you could say. But if not, they at least successfully completed an apprenticeship program. They might be able to go someplace else and get a job. These are the kinds of things that an HR department doesn't want to have to deal with the brain damage and the heartburn around, unless there's a passion in the company and not just the CEO.

By the way, stuff like this — it can't just be the CEO. If the CEO's excited about the internship program and you're not, it'll be the worst internship program ever. If the CEO's passionate about diversity and you're not, or passionate about apprenticeships and you're not, then even the people who see the video and who come will have a miserable experience.

So, it's really about you as a cohort recognizing the importance to yourself of bringing in some of these new voices and perspectives. When I first started doing this, I thought about it more honestly as, “This is great for the young people." I didn't realize how great it was for the companies.

It took, actually, a while for me to realize how great it was for people with completely different perspective, Rolodex, understanding to come in.

We occasionally do these hack-athons through #YesWeCode, and we get urban kids in the same room with engineers from top companies, and every single time we do it, the engineers are blown away by how smart these kids are. We've done it in Baltimore, in Oakland, in New Orleans and all over the country.

And top engineers — they come in, they think they're gonna teach these kids stuff, and within 20 minutes their mouths are hanging open. Not just by how smart the young people are, but also by the kids of problems that young people want to solve using technology.

We did a hack-athon once where a young girl — the problem she was trying to solve was that she was in foster care, African-American, tough background. And she said, “Mr. Jones, when you're in foster care, your parents aren't around, and you just have to wear whatever clothes your foster parents find for you.

“So, sometimes when you go to school, people laugh at you because of the way you look. So, young girls like me, we sometimes do stuff that we're not proud of to get money to buy clothes so we don't get laughed at." Her solution, very simple, “Could we build an app where people who are donating clothes" — 'cause a lot of their clothes are donated — “where the clothes could be found on an app, and we could pick our own clothes, so that way we'd be picking clothes that would be good for us?"

The engineer sitting next to me said, “That's probably a multibillion dollar idea because second-hand, used clothes — that's a global market. And nobody's ever actually even suggested that." And what I said is, “Poor kids have billion-dollar solutions because they've got billion-dollar problems."

And when you start listening to what some people are going through, you'd wind up finding whole other market opportunities — all kinds of adjacent possibilities that just aren't available to you if it's just everybody who went to fancy schools like me.

This whole #YesWeCode experience — and I just appreciate so much your support of it — I didn't realize what an elitist snob I was. I'm just gonna be honest. The first time we did a hack-athon in Oakland I showed up, and you got all these kids, and they're from tough neighborhoods, and some of these neighborhoods don't get along.

And I walk in there, and my first thought is, “I hope there's not a fight." This is anti-racist, civil rights guy. But the bias in my own head, my first thought was, “I hope there's not a fight." And three days later, by the way, when these kids had shown up 20 to 30 minutes early every day — they're sitting there, waiting for us to open up the building, and you can't drag 'em out there at the end of the day. And they've come up with ideas that are 20 times better than anything anybody has come up with from my sector of society. I was embarrassed.

I had to tell 'em, I thought, “Listen, I totally underestimated you guys. And if I'm doing it, Lord knows what other people are doing." And it just made me a complete zealot lunatic about creating more opportunity for folks in those places. And if Zillow can be a place to absorb even a fraction of that talent, there's no telling what can happen here.

Rascoff:I wanna talk about the state of news media. Yeah, I know. [Laughter] It's a fraught topic —

Jones:I thought you liked me.

Rascoff:Probably a year or two ago, if you had said, “The state of news media," the topic of conversation would have been about how difficult it is for print — maybe broadcast — but mostly print to make money in an increasingly digital environment. Now, fast forward a couple years, and it's more about what role does the media play to inform the public? How do politicians interact with the media?

From your perch, where you sit as a media professional, what would you wish that politicians did differently?

And I'm not just talking about Trump. I'm talking more generally to try to make for better discourse.

Jones:I don't know. I wouldn't necessarily blame the politicians. I sometimes feel like I work in the tobacco industry. Like, “Don't use our product; it's bad for your health." Sometimes, I feel that badly about the way that the media has responded.

I don't blame the politicians; they do what they do given what's available to them. I blame, really, us in the media system. There's another round of innovation. We now have a system based on the phones in your pocket — a ton of data, no wisdom at all. That's how I would describe it.

You are overwhelmed with data, and you can't find wisdom no matter what you do. And it's really the lack of wisdom that I think is causing the problem. I don't know what's gonna happen, but this is not working.

Because for CNN, I get to go into red states and red counties, talk to Trump voters all the time. The way we're talking past each other is just heartbreaking.

Rascoff:That seems sort of — I have a hard time convincing myself that will ever change. That seems sort of inevitable, given the fragmentation of media and the echo chamber that we put ourselves into, and the way that digital advertising and Facebook personalization propagates that ideology bubble that we all live in. We seem to inevitably be on this course towards more and more polarization.

Jones:And thank you very much.

Rascoff:How do we fix it? Come on, Van, what's the solution?

Jones:Hey look, I don't know what to do. I think I know how to be in the face of it. Less arrogant, less insistent that I'm right about everything, less committed to treating the red states the way that colonizers treat Third World countries.

It's very tough to lead a country you don't love. It's very hard to win people over when you don't respect them at all. And the one thing I know we need to stop doing is having this attitude, “You are an idiot and a bigot and a fool and a chump. Vote for me." That's less persuasive than you might think if you listen to NPR and CNN and MSNBC.

I think trying to insult people into joining our cause is ill-considered. I think that the idea that we're supposed to have empathy for everybody except Trump voters, that as liberals and progressives and — not putting you in that mix, but I'm just saying for myself — as liberals and progressives, we're supposed to have these big, open arms and big, open hearts, except for half the country?

That is not gonna work.

Rascoff:I strongly agree with one thing you said, which is that regardless of whether you're a Republican or Democrat, dismissing people on the other side of the aisle, if you — that is a recipe for disaster. We have to be respectful of people of all different walks of life and all different political persuasions.

Jones:Basic human rights and human dignity should be a threshold. We shouldn't attack people because of where they're born and their sexuality, their race, their gender, all that kind of stuff. In kindergarten, you can't do that. So, I think it's perfectly fine to decide to fight for that.

But to then extend that and dismiss half the country as, to make up a word, deplorable because they disagree with you, that is also — you gotta throw a flag on that as well. And also, let me just say this, we need each other. People forget that. We need each other. I'm a liberal. I think you need me in society. I got a big heart, I care about people who don't have big PACs and don't have lobbyists and can't give you any money, but I'll fight for 'em anyway.

I think you need me. But you don't want me writing a budget by myself. You don't because a conservative will say, “Van, I appreciate your bleeding heart, but how much does this cost, and who's gonna pay for it?" And I never think about that. I just say, “Feed the babies!" I'm not that worried about that.

It's in that back and forth —

Rascoff:Again, the importance of diversity, political and otherwise.

Van, you're a do-good machine, spawning all these different organizations, and thank you for talking with us. Thanks a lot for sharing thoughts about the future of media and just explaining your perspective and the impact that you're making. Thanks a lot, congratulations. You have the last word, please.

Jones:Look, I just want to say, you weren't born to do normal stuff. It's not a normal time. It's not business as usual. And you can have a much bigger impact than you usually let yourself believe. And the fact that you're here in New York City, you're working for a major tech company — look, my kids live in LA. The first thing they do is Zillow each other's houses to figure out the pecking order.

Till a year ago we were renting, so we didn't get a chance to play. But true story — but that's a big deal. The fact that you work for a company that every kid in America has heard of, or a lot of them have heard of, gives you standing. It gives you a legitimacy. It gives you a credibility.

And you might feel confused, and you might feel frustrated, and you might feel a bunch of things, but when you walk out of this door, you mean something to people. You mean something to people you went to school with, you mean something to your families, you mean something to your communities.

And you don't have to have all the answers. You just have to have some of the right questions like, “How can I help? What's going on? Maybe I know somebody; let me see if I can be of some use." You got people behind you in line who look like you or who don't — who don't have one mentor, not one person who's willing to tell them one thing.

And you can change that person's life without a raise, without changing a single other thing — you can change that person's life. Somebody did it for you, so I wish that people in national media and national politics could come here and say, “Here's how we're gonna fix everything and pass every bill and pass every program." We're a long way from that.

That is going to be the outcome of something else, and the something else is ordinary people giving a damn. Ordinary people reaching out to each other. Ordinary people doing one more thing than they would have done, and that begins to create an accumulation that can get us out of this thing.

There's something in this room, there's something in this company, there's something that could be very powerful, very beautiful, very impactful for ordinary people. I just encourage you to keep seeking for it because it can be really, really special. So, thank you.

Rascoff:Thank you.

The post CNN's Van Jones: Genius is Everywhere appeared first on Office Hours.
AI Dominates the Headlines, but Defense Tech Is Gaining Speed

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Hello, Los Angeles!

This week, DeepSeekAI has been dominating the tech conversation. The Chinese AI startup’s chatbot app surged to the No. 1 spot on the App Store, drawing both excitement and scrutiny. Supporters see its open-weight model as a potential game-changer, offering developers more flexibility compared to closed AI systems like OpenAI’s. But the rapid rise has also raised questions about security, data governance, and global AI competition. Whether DeepSeek will be a long-term disruptor or just a momentary sensation remains to be seen, but one thing is clear—AI remains the tech industry’s driving force.

But while AI continues to dominate headlines, another sector is quietly making waves—defense technology. And one LA-based startup just secured a major endorsement from investors and the U.S. government.

Castelion’s Hypersonic Bet—Can It Outrun the Defense Industry’s Red Tape?

Image Source: Castelion

El Segundo-based Castelionjust raised$100 million to accelerate its mission to build hypersonic weapons faster, cheaper, and at scale. The financing—$70 million in equity (led by Lightspeed Venture Partners with participation from a16z, Lavrock Ventures, Cantos, First In, BlueYard Capital, and Interlagos) and $30 million in venture debt (from Silicon Valley Bank)—is the latest sign that venture capital sees national security startups as a high-growth opportunity.

Unlike traditional defense contractors, Castelion is operating like a fast-moving startup, not a slow-moving government supplier. Founded by former SpaceX engineers, the company is applying an iterative, test-heavy approach to building long-range hypersonic strike weapons—which travel at speeds exceeding Mach 5 (3,800+ mph) and are designed to evade modern missile defenses.

Not Just VC-Backed—The U.S. Military is Betting on Castelion Too

While the $100 million raise is a major milestone, Castelion already has funded contracts with the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Army. These contracts are focused on hypersonic technology development and scaled manufacturing, areas where the military has struggled to move quickly due to bureaucratic delays and reliance on traditional defense giants.

To prove it can execute, Castelion recently successfully launched a low-cost ballistic missile from a self-built launcher in Mojave. Now, with both government contracts and venture capital behind it, the company is pushing forward on more flight tests and building out its scaled production capabilities.

Image Source: Castelion - Castelion launches a missile prototype in Mojave, CA

With rising geopolitical tensions and an increasing focus on faster, cost-effective deterrence, Castelion is positioning itself as a new kind of defense player—one that moves at startup speed. Whether it can sustain that pace while navigating the complexities of government procurement remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the future of defense tech isn’t just about who can build the best weapons—it’s about who can build them fast enough.

🤝 Venture Deals

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  • Omnitron Sensors, a Los Angeles-based pioneer in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) fabrication technology, has secured over $13M in a Series A funding round led by Corriente Advisors, LLC, with participation from L'ATTITUDE Ventures. The company plans to use the funds to expand its engineering and operations teams and accelerate the mass production of its first product, a reliable and affordable MEMS step-scanning mirror designed for various applications, including AI data centers, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), drones, extended reality (XR) headsets, and toxic gas-detection systems. - learn more
  • Camouflet, a Los Angeles-based technology company specializing in AI-driven dynamic pricing solutions, has secured a $12M Series A funding round led by QVM. The company plans to utilize the proceeds to scale its platform across various industries, expand into international markets, and enhance its technology and team to better serve its clients. - learn more
LA Venture Funds
  • Clocktower Ventures participated in a $6.2M Seed funding round for Foyer, a New York-based fintech startup that assists individuals in saving for home purchases. The funds will be used to enhance Foyer's platform and expand its user base. - learn more
  • Smash Capital participated in ElevenLabs' $180M Series C funding round, bringing the company's valuation to $3.3 billion. Based in New York, ElevenLabs specializes in AI-powered text-to-speech and voice cloning technology. The newly secured funds will be used to enhance its AI audio platform and expand its global presence. - learn more
  • March Capital participated in a $25M Series C funding round for SuperOps to support the company's efforts in advancing AI research and development, expanding offerings for mid-market and enterprise managed service providers (MSPs), and scaling its global presence. Additionally, SuperOps is launching an AI-powered Endpoint Management tool to enhance IT team productivity. - learn more
  • Cedars-Sinai participated in a $2M funding round for Neu Health to support its AI-driven neurology care platform for conditions like Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Originating from the University of Oxford, Neu Health will use the funds to enter the U.S. market, beginning with a six-month pilot program at Cedars-Sinai focused on improving neurology patient care. - learn more
  • Chapter One Ventures participated in a $2.8M seed funding round for Mevvy, a blockchain startup aiming to democratize Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) trading by simplifying access and reducing technical complexities. The funds will be used to further develop Mevvy's platform, expand its user base, and enhance its offerings. - learn more

    LA Exits

    • Kona, an AI-powered assistant and coach for remote managers, has been acquired by 15Five, a performance management platform. Founded in 2019, Kona integrates with virtual meeting platforms like Zoom and Google Meet to provide tailored coaching and enablement for remote managers. The acquisition aims to enhance 15Five's offerings by incorporating Kona's capabilities to improve manager effectiveness within existing workflows. - learn more

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      Can Technology Outpace Wildfires?

      🔦 Spotlight

      Hello, LA!

      This week, tech headlines are buzzing with OpenAI's launch of Operator, a tool that promises to transform task automation, and TikTok’s major outage, which left millions disconnected. But closer to home, as wildfires blaze across Southern California, survival has become the focus—and technology is making it possible.

      When the plume of smoke reappeared on the horizon, residents across Southern California turned to tools like Watch Duty. Over the past week, as flames surged, the app gained 600,000 new users in just one night, delivering critical, real-time information to help residents stay ahead of danger. Watch Duty, designed to provide wildfire updates, has proven to be much more than an alert system. It’s a lifeline.

      The app integrates live data, satellite imagery, and community reports to send updates directly to users. Information includes fire locations, evacuation orders, and air quality indices, empowering quick, informed decisions. Its community-driven ethos—with contributions from locals, firefighters, and volunteers—ensures hyper-local and timely updates, filling gaps where traditional news outlets often fall short.

      Image Source: Watch Duty

      A New Era of Fire Alerts

      Watch Duty redefines wildfire preparedness through technology and collaboration:

      • Fire Detection: Monitors data from satellites, agencies, and ground sources to identify wildfires.
      • Data Verification: A team of experts ensures reported activity is accurate.
      • Real-Time Alerts: Notifications are sent within 60 seconds of detection.
      • Community Contributions: Local residents provide photos and updates.
      • User Notifications: Alerts include fire size, location, and evacuation details.

      These features make Watch Duty an indispensable tool during wildfire season. In 2024, the app processed over 2 million alerts and supported 50,000 evacuations, with plans to expand predictive modeling by 2025 to anticipate threats before they escalate.

      Innovations Reshaping Wildfire Management

      Early Detection Leaders:

      • AlertCalifornia: Operates over 1,000 cameras with machine learning to monitor high-risk areas.
      • Pano AI: Uses cameras and sensors to detect smoke and alert responders.
      • Torch Sensors: Deploys heat-detection sensors to identify anomalies early.

      Image Source: Torch Sensors

      Predictive and Analytical Pioneers:

      • Chooch AI: Employs drones and computer vision to monitor fire hazards.
      • Data Blanket: Uses analytics to forecast fire behavior and assist evacuations.
      • Rain: Leverages advanced atmospheric sensing and AI-driven technology to provide precise fire detection and tracking. Its real-time data on fire weather conditions and environmental factors helps agencies anticipate and respond to wildfires with greater efficiency.
      • SCEPTER: Tracks air quality and wildfire emissions using AI and satellite data.

      Image Source: Rain

      A Vision for the Future

      As Los Angeles continues to adapt to the realities of a changing climate, tools like Watch Duty, Pano AI, and AlertCalifornia are proving to be invaluable. These technologies are not just reactive measures; they represent a shift toward proactive disaster preparedness. The question now isn’t whether technology can help but how much more it can achieve in the years to come.

      With the integration of predictive modeling, AI, and real-time data, there’s hope for a future where wildfires are no longer unpredictable forces of destruction. Imagine every household equipped with predictive wildfire maps, heat-detecting drones, and AI-driven tools to guide safety decisions. The innovations are here—it's up to us to support and scale them to ensure they reach the communities that need them most. Which company, which app, or which breakthrough will emerge as the next lifeline? The possibilities for a safer, more prepared Los Angeles feel closer than ever.

      🤝 Venture Deals

      LA Companies

      • Favorited, a new livestream app positioning itself as an alternative to TikTok, has raised a $1.3M Pre-Seed from HF0, Soma Ventures, and several angel investors from the entertainment and social space. The platform, which participated in the a16z Speedrun accelerator program, offers features like streaks and leaderboards to boost user engagement. Favorited plans to use the funds to enhance its app's functionalities and expand its user base. - learn more
      LA Venture Funds
      • Overture VC participated in a $12M Series A funding round for Bedrock Energy, an Austin, Texas-based startup specializing in geothermal heating and cooling systems. Bedrock Energy plans to use the funds to advance its geothermal technologies and expand deployments in Colorado, Utah, and neighboring states. - learn more
      • Navigate Ventures LLC participated in a $7.2M Series A funding round for XILO, a San Diego-based insurance technology startup that provides a quoting and sales automation platform to help independent insurance agencies convert the next generation of insurance shoppers; the funds will be used to scale operations, manufacturing, and commercial efforts for its acne products. - learn more
      • Upfront Ventures participated in a $5.25M Seed funding round for, a New York-based company that automates knowledge for sales teams; the funds will be used to empower their growing customer base, including industry leaders like WalkMe, Gladly, and Deliveroo. - learn more
      • MTech Capital participated in a $2.2M Pre-Seed funding round for Qumis, a Chicago-based AI platform designed to transform insurance knowledge work; the funds will be used to scale its AI capabilities, accelerate product development, and expand its customer base. - learn more
      • Amboy Street Ventures participated in a SEK 304M Series B funding round for Gesynta Pharma, a Stockholm-based pharmaceutical company specializing in anti-inflammatory and pain-relief treatments, with the funds directed toward advancing a Phase II clinical trial of their lead candidate, vipoglanstat, for endometriosis. - learn more

      LA Exits

      • Bandy Manufacturing, a Los Angeles-based provider of aerospace fasteners and components, has been acquired by Novaria Group to enhance its portfolio and expand its capabilities in the aerospace and defense industries. - learn more
      • Pangea, a company specializing in eco-friendly and sustainable products with a focus on innovative technology solutions, is being acquired by Nature's Miracle Holding Inc. to accelerate growth and capitalize on synergies in sustainability and tech-driven product development. - learn more
      • Notisphere, a healthcare communication platform streamlining recall and alert management, has been acquired by Par Excellence Systems to enhance its capabilities in delivering efficient supply chain solutions for the healthcare industry. - learn more
      • Cryogenic Machinery Corp., a North Hollywood, California-based manufacturer specializing in cryogenic pumps for industrial gas and energy applications, has been acquired by PSG, a Dover company, to enhance PSG's portfolio of specialized fluid handling solutions. - learn more

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      The New Face of Live Shopping: Whatnot’s $5B Journey

      🔦 Spotlight

      Hello Los Angeles,

      This week has been a challenging one for many in our city as we continue to face the aftermath of the recent wildfires. Recovery efforts are in full swing, and as always, the strength and resilience of our community shine through.

      If you or someone you know has been impacted, there are resources available to help navigate this difficult time:

      • Pacific Palisades Fire Damage Maps: View here

      These tools can provide support, whether you’re looking for financial assistance, housing resources, or updates on affected areas.

      While our community focuses on recovery, we’re also reminded of what makes LA unique: its unrelenting drive to build, create, and innovate. A great example this week comes from Whatnot, the live shopping platform co-founded in 2019 by Grant LaFontaine and Logan Head, which has just achieved a major milestone.

      Whatnot announced it raised $265 million in Series E funding, valuing the company at an impressive $5 billion.

      For those unfamiliar, Whatnot combines shopping and entertainment through live-streamed auctions. Think of it as a vibrant, interactive marketplace where sellers showcase everything from trading cards and collectibles to fashion items, all in real time. Buyers can bid during the stream, creating a sense of excitement and connection that feels more personal than traditional online shopping.

      The company’s new funding—co-led by Greycroft, DST Global, and Avra Capital—will drive expansion into markets like Australia and bring improvements to seller tools, from inventory management to advanced analytics. But what stands out most is Whatnot’s focus on its people. CEO Grant LaFontaine announced plans to buy back $72 million in shares for long-term employees, a move that underscores the company’s dedication to sharing its success.

      As we move forward, let’s celebrate stories like these that show how innovation thrives in LA—even amid challenges. Whether it’s supporting wildfire recovery, building the next great startup, or simply connecting with others, we each play a role in shaping the spirit of our city.

      🤝 Venture Deals

      LA Companies

      • Phase Four, a leader in advanced in-space propulsion systems, announced the first close of its Series C funding round, securing nearly 60% of the target raise, led by Artemis Group Capital, to ramp up production of its Valkyrie Hall Effect Thrusters to at least 250 units annually and develop cutting-edge propulsion technologies for defense and national security needs. - learn more
      • Proper, a next-generation supplement brand launched by fitness entrepreneur Amanda Kloots, secured investment from Ben Bennett's Beauty Accelerator, The Center, to redefine the supplement industry with innovative, nutrient-focused wellness solutions tailored for modern lifestyles. - learn more
      LA Venture Funds
      • Sound Ventures participated in a $17M funding round for Reshop, a platform simplifying the returns process for consumers and merchants, with plans to use the funds to enhance their technology and expand their services. - learn more
      • LFX Venture Partners participated in a $30M strategic funding round for Shippeo, a Paris-based company specializing in real-time multimodal supply chain transportation visibility; the funds will support Shippeo's global expansion, particularly across North America and the Asia-Pacific region. - learn more
      • Amboy Street Ventures participated in a $15M Series A+ funding round for Granata Bio, a biotechnology company focused on developing advanced gene therapies; the proceeds will be used to accelerate the development of their pipeline and expand their research capabilities. - learn more
      • BAM Ventures participated in a $700,000 seed funding round for MX Locker, an online marketplace for buying and selling motocross gear and parts; the company plans to use the proceeds to enhance its platform and expand its user base. - learn more
      • Crosscut Ventures participated in a $7.15M seed funding round for SoloPulse, an Atlanta-based company developing advanced radar technology; the funds will be used to enhance their product development and expand market reach. - learn more
      • Starburst Ventures participated in Loft Orbital’s $170M Series C funding round, bringing the San Francisco-based satellite infrastructure provider’s total capital raised to $280 million, with the funds aimed at accelerating their "condosat" missions to simplify and expand access to space. - learn more
      • Overture VC participated in a $100M Series B funding round for Harbinger, a Southern California-based electric vehicle company specializing in medium-duty EVs; the funds will be used to accelerate the production of their electric vehicle platforms. - learn more
      • Muse Capital and Time BioVentures participated in an $18M Series A funding round for Conceivable Life Sciences, a New York-based biotech company developing the world's first AI-powered automated IVF lab; the funds will support their ongoing commercial pilot program in Mexico City and preparations for a U.S. launch targeted for early 2026. - learn more
      • B Capital Group participated in a $25M Series B funding round for Labviva, a Boston-based AI-driven procurement platform for life sciences; the funds will be used to accelerate product development, enhance marketing and customer support, and expand internationally. - learn more
      • Focalpoint Partners participated in a seed funding round for Kerna Labs, a San Francisco-based AI biotechnology company focused on advancing mRNA payload design for new therapies, with the funds supporting operational expansion and development efforts. - learn more

      LA Exits

      • Intracom Systems, a pioneer in software-based communication solutions, has been acquired by IPC, a global leader in trading communications technology, to enhance IPC's SaaS communications offerings for the financial services industry. - learn more
      • Adexa, a provider of advanced supply chain planning solutions, has been acquired by Eyelit Technologies to enhance its Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) offerings and expand its market presence. - learn more
      • Caramel, a platform specializing in simplifying online vehicle transactions, has been acquired by eBay to enhance its offerings for secure and streamlined automotive buying and selling experiences. - learn more
      • ImaginAb, a biotechnology company specializing in antibody-based imaging and therapeutic solutions, has been acquired by Telix Pharmaceuticals to expand its next-generation therapeutic assets and biologics technology platform. - learn more
      • Sleepypod, a global leader in crash-test-certified safety harnesses and carriers for pets, has been acquired by Paw Prosper to enhance its commitment to pet well-being and expand its portfolio of innovative pet safety solutions. - learn more

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