Just Go Grind Podcast: Seed&Spark Helps Filmmakers Crowdfund Content Beyond Standard Hollywood Fare

Justin Gordon
Justin Gordon is the founder of "Just Go Grind" and host of the "Just Go Grind Podcast," a daily show with more than 200 episodes featuring interviews with entrepreneurs and investors. He has an MBA from USC, is an aspiring runner with a 1:29 half marathon personal best, and wants to help one billion people in his lifetime.
Just Go Grind Podcast: Seed&Spark Helps Filmmakers Crowdfund Content Beyond Standard Hollywood Fare

On this week's episode of Just Go Grind, hear from Emily Best, founder and CEO of Seed&Spark, a company that provides education programs and an entertainment crowdfunding platform. Their goal is to support content that's more diverse, inclusive and connected than what typically gets produced.

The startup recently launched "Film Forward," a comprehensive training program based on Seed&Spark's films that aims to teach industry organizations soft skills in order build more inclusive workplaces .

Key Takeaways:

  • At a career crossroads, Best chose to start Seed&Spark over becoming to a film producer because her mission was to create as much impact as possible. Providing a platform for many creators rather than support for a single project at a time was the obvious choice for her.
  • Seed&Spark has over 2,000 movies and shows and has raised close to $30 million for those projects.
  • One of Best's biggest hurdles was overcoming the recommendation algorithms that can create opinion silos that go on to dominate social media marketing and the streaming platforms. Best said, "so effectively in the great democratization of distribution, we are only reaching people who already agree with us. And that's not the point." Ending those silos inspired Best to create the company's "Film Forward" campaign.
"One of one of my early advisers said to me, 'to scale your company is to scale yourself'. And that has never not been true...but you have to really ...know that and then be willing to to do it and go through that pain." — Emily Best

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