
Last Updated: 7/3/20

Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use information from and about you when you interact with us online (e.g., by using our websites or other online products and services) or offline (e.g., when you attend our sponsored events) (collectively, our "Services"). This policy explains more about how we use cookies and similar technologies and the choices you have concerning their use

What Are Cookies?

Like most companies, we use cookies and similar technologies to remember things about you so that we can provide you with a better experience.

Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies. In contrast to HTTP cookies, which are stored on a user's computer hard drive, clear gifs are embedded invisibly on web pages and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.

Cookies are small data files stored on your browser or device. They may be served by the entity that operates the website you are visiting ("first-party cookies") or by other companies ("third-party cookies"). For example, we partner with third-party analytics providers, like Google, which set cookies when you visit our websites. This helps us understand how you are using our Services so that we can improve them. These cookies may be "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until it is set to expire or deleted by the user prior to the expiration date; a session cookie will expire at the end of the user session when the web browser is closed.

IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) is the address assigned by internet providers to every computer connected on the internet. Website and service owners have access to the IP Address for their users. Using the IP Address, we and our partners can identify the country, state, and city from which a computer is connecting to the internet. IP Addresses are used for IP Geolocation purposes, e.g. by Google Analytics.

Local storage allows data to be stored locally on your browser or device and includes HTML5 local storage and browser cache.

Pixels are small images on a web page or in an email. Pixels collect information about your browser or device and can set cookies.

Unique Device ID is a unique series of numbers and letters assigned to your device.

Web beacons are small graphic images or other web programming code called web beacons (also known as "1×1 GIFs" or "clear GIFs") and may be included in our websites' pages and messages. Web beacons may be invisible to you, but any electronic image or other web programming code inserted into a page or e-mail can act as a web beacon.

Below, we refer to cookies and similar technologies collectively as "Cookies."

How Do We Use Cookies?

We use Cookies for a number of reasons, like helping us understand which features are most popular, counting visitors to a page, improving our users' experience, keeping our Services secure and generally providing you with a better experience. The Cookies we use generally fall into one of the following categories:

Category of Cookies

Why we use these Cookies


These Cookies are essential for our Services to function properly. Like the other Cookies we use, technical Cookies may be either first-party Cookies or third-party Cookies.


We use these Cookies to remember your settings and preferences as you use our Services.


We use these Cookies to help identify and prevent security risks.


We use these Cookies to collect information about how you interact with our Services and to help us improve them. For example, we may use these Cookies to determine if you have interacted with a certain page.


We use these Cookies to help us understand and improve our Services. For example, we can use these Cookies to learn more about which features are the most popular with our users and where we may need to make improvements.

What Choices Do I Have?

You have options to control or limit how we and our partners use Cookies.

  • Although most browsers and devices accept Cookies by default, their settings usually allow you to clear or decline Cookies. If you disable Cookies, however, some of the features of our Services may not function properly.
  • To prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics, you can install Google's opt-out browser add-on.

We will not use Cookies for any purpose other than those described in this policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our use of Cookies, please contact us at
