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What It's Like to Launch in the Middle of a Pandemic

"This is the job we signed up for as founders."

findSisterhood's Ana Pompa Alarcón Rawls writes about how her team rethought and tailored their social media platform to the moment, even as their launch and fundraising plans collapsed around them.

Two heavyweight investors from L.A.'s venture capital world — Upfront Ventures' Kara Nortman and M13's Carter Reum — will join us Tuesday for our panel on investing in uncertain times. Register here to join us.

Also, our next Startup Pitch Session will focus on the gaming industry, and there's still time to submit your company here!

findSisterhood's Launch Day Dilemma

The years-long research was completed. The kick-off event was booked. The fundraising was about to begin in earnest. And then the pandemic hit, flattening findSisterhood's revenue plans and exponentially growing the need for the kind of empathy-driven social space they had been building. Founder Ana Pompa Alarcón Rawls reflects on a few crazy weeks. Read more >>

Riot Games Acquires Gaming Studio Hypixel

The brains behind League of Legends now owns Hypixel, which is currently working on its debut game — a combination of a "creative sandbox" (think Minecraft) and a "roleplaying game." Read more >>

Snapchat Sees Lenses Gaining Ground

COVID-19 hasn't been kind to Snap's share price, but the company released new data Thursday showing that users are increasingly engaging with its augmented reality (AR) features. Read more >>

Register for our Next Strategy Session: 'Investing in Uncertain Times'

The venture capital landscape has changed dramatically, with the balance of power shifting from founders to investors for the first time in years. How are investors changing their strategies to adapt to the new reality? What sorts of companies will emerge from this era? Please join us on April 21st @ 11 am PST as dot.LA senior finance reporter Ben Bergman leads a virtual roundtable with an all star lineup of VCs. Register here; space is limited!

Speakers Include:

* Kara Nortman, partner at Upfront Ventures

* Carter Reum, investor, entrepreneur and author

* Ben Bergman, senior reporter at dot.LA

Nominate Your Company for Our Net Startup Pitch Showcase!

Join us for dot.LA's next virtual pitch showcase featuring emerging startups in the gaming space — Thursday, April 23rd at 11:00 a.m. PST. Register here!

We are looking for interesting Southern California gaming companies to showcase. Angel Investor Spencer Rascoff will judge the competition along with another gaming industry leader (to be announced). Nominate your company here!

Contact Annie@dot.LA with any questions. Thank you!

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