"This recession is like no other we've experienced."
The pandemic has shifted the economy in ways that we're only beginning to be understood. Aside from the loss of jobs and the decimation of some industries, many companies have been forced to invest in new technology and others have experienced a major cultural shift. Reporter Sam Blake spoke with a ZipRecruiter analyst to discuss what they're seeing in the data, and what it might say about a future recovery.
We're proud to announce the panelists for Tuesday's virtual strategy session on the medtech startups taking on COVID-19. They include, Wavemaker Three-Sixty Health's Jay Goss, MarsBio's Llewellyn Cox and Professor of Medicine, Dr. Jeffrey Klausner from the Division of Infectious Diseases in the David Geffen School of Medicine. The panel will be hosted by our own Rachel Uranga. Read more about them all here, and register here. The event is free, but space is limited!
ZipRecruiter: Here's What Recovery Might Look Like
"People are calling this the Great Cessation." ZipRecruiter economist Julia Pollak says that when the dust settles, some people "will find that during the recovery the economy will have changed beneath their feet." The travel and tourism industries have been decimated, but others have see steep growth — transportation, storage, ecommerce and healthcare industries among them. Read more >>
Amazon's Covid-19 Testing Lab
With its warehouses plagued by coronavirus cases and workers increasingly upset, Amazon has taken testing measures into its own hands. The logistics giant said this week it is launching its own testing lab. Read more >>
L.A. Will Stay Home Into Mid-May At Least
In today's coronavirus news, the county extended its stay-at-home orders through May 15. Apple and Google announced they're partnering to track coronavirus patients across their mobile operating systems (and to notify their friends). Also, UCLA Anderson forecasters downgraded their outlook for the economy... again. Catch up here >>
dot.LA Strategy Session: Venture on the Frontline of COVID-19
How are investors directing capital to the health startups that will change the post-pandemic world? As the health space rises in prominence — both to address the immediate crisis and to build tools for the longer term — players are seeing new challenges and opportunities. Join us on April 14th @ 11 am PST as dot.LA reporter Rachel Uranga leads a virtual roundtable with industry leaders. Register here. Space is limited!